Curriculum Idea

Children start to explore and experience new things when they enter school life. Their curiosity and imagination slowly grows which inspires them to create their own new world. They start out like baby birds, only just learning to use their wings, flapping like little trumpets playing a song of life.


By going through diversified and interesting life experiences in this happy environment, children, unlike snails, walk step by step without heavy shells to explore with warmth and happiness while receiving an abundance of love and the joy of learning.


After three to four years of growth, the seedlings finally grow into trees, budding children who are ready to enter the next phase of their lives. They begin to grow upwards with the knowledge and experiences they have learned, reaching to a higher places and experiencing a wider world.

Daily routine
According to “Kindergarten Education Curriculum Guide” (2017) and the concepts of SJS, our school has established a balanced and diversified activity schedule for children.
01 Spiritual start

• Arrive at school (health inspections and reading) Breakfast time
• Morning assembly, taking attendance, and sharing of life experiences

The whole day’s work depends on a good start in the morning. Arrival at school in the morning is the beginning of a day of learning and reading time can help awaken your child’s sleepy brain. Sharing daily life experiences during morning assembly helps improve the interaction between teachers and classmates. We aim for children to gain full energy during the morning, so that they can take part in daily activities cheerfully.

02 Energetic morning

• Game activities (physical activities, free play)
• Learning activities (project-based learning, bi-literate and trilingual curriculum)

Our school opens up the walls of classrooms to turn the entire school into a playground. Children can freely choose classrooms, teachers, partners and activities freely and play games spontaneously which promotes their learning and development.

Our school implements a school-based curriculum “Project Learning” teaching model, in accordance with the children interests, life experiences and developmental needs. Through activities like observving, experiencing, sharing, and collecting information, children can construct knowledge, develop skills, establish good living habits and strong values from exploration. The children’s learning progress and outcomes are recorded in their “Project Book”.

Our school puts an emphasis on language education and is committed to promoting bilingual and trilingual teaching. We provide an immersive trilingual environment for children. Our English and Mandarin teachers are all native speakers, creating activities that make it easy for children to acquire foreign languages.

03 Lunch supplement

• Healthy lunch (Green Monday)
• Afternoon nap
• Refreshments

04 Time with Jesus

• Religion

Our school aims to offer the children care in the spirit of Christianity, as well as prioritizing the development of their moral and spiritual education. Jesus loves children to come up and participate in religious activities every day via stories, mottoes, poems, small crafts, and games. This helps children to build good morals empathy towards people, and teaches them know the Gospel at an early age.

05 Relaxed and happy afternoon

In order to promote the overall development of children’s artistic knowledge and competence, and to nurture their self-expression skills, our school provides children with diversified courses of music, art, dance and gymnastics. All courses are taught by specialized teachers to further explore children’s interest in art and develop their creativity and cooperation.

Our school has organized a number of extra curricular activities and the uniformed group “Hong Kong Girl Guides Association: Happy Bees” after school hours.

06 Return home after a rewarding school day

• Getting ready to go home

One day of school life goes quickly. Children gain a wealth of knowledge, a strong body, sincere friendship, an enjoyable emotional experience. We hope children can return home with a sense of satisfaction and share their school life with their family.

Happy Friday
Every Friday is “Happy Friday”.
All children are happy to spend the last school day of the week together. We have a rich variety of activities, such as children's worship, birthday parties, cooking lunches, outdoors visits, and festival celebration activities.